“The essence of community, its heart and soul, is the non-monetary exchange of value.
Things we do and share because we care for others, and for the good of the place.”
- D Hock
History of the glen:
A series of stories from the glen researched and written by Rosalind Pearson
1) The story of Murdoch McLeod
2) Accident at Craiglea Quarry
5) The Young-Black-Smiths’ holiday
6) The Sale of Logiealmond Estate in the 1840s
More articles about the history of the glen by Rosalind are here: Glenalmond and Logiealmond history
A short film ‘The Almond Glen’ created by Isobel Drury, aged 18, who lives in Harrietfield and is studying film at Uni, with original music by Patrick Baldwin.
Logiealmond Estate - Updates:
New application for Gates to cross the Core Path and removal of parking.
Ref PKC Ref 20/00790/FLL
You can see and comment on the proposals Here. Please make your voice heard and help preserve the Core Path for generations to come.
September 2019 UPDATE: The scheme has substantially reduced from what was originally put forward. There is no new planting proposed to the east of the estate road (this is the road leading to Logiealmond Lodge past Kipney). Please note, existing woodlands will be replanted. The proposal will now just be to the west of the estate road and will be approx. 300ha. We await further details. We have been informed by Tilhill that the new proposals will be published towards the end of October at which point they will submit an EIA screening request to Scottish Forestry.
Here are the proposed plans for a new shooting complex on Logiealmond estate Plans
Interesting Times article on Sitka Spruce developments in Scotland .... Super-rich buying up Scotland’s forests
Tilhill have provided us with a link to their dedicated Logiealmond Portal. Little information in there at the moment but we hope they will post all the surveys and reports as they come in... Tilhill Logiealmond Portal
Save our Curlews - We have many curlews nesting on Logiealmond land, here is a Link to a recent radio 4 interview with author of Curlew Moon, Mary Colwell - a great champion of the environment and curlews in particular...... Curlews at risk
Here is an important link to a document written by the Scottish Wildlife Trust on the impact of developments such as that proposed at Logiealmond... Scotland’s Forestry Strategy 2019–2029
Initial Plans released for discussion regarding South Logiealmond Estate:
Map showing proposals
Details 1
Details 2
Details 3
The new owners of Logiealmond estate are Rod and Sheila Flavell - FDM Group.
Please send us your thoughts: Contact us via our Facebook page
Our intention is to collect as much information as possible at this stage and then share this with the group and wider community for you all to comment.
We would like to stress that we believe Tillhill is a responsible company and thank them for giving us the chance to voice any concerns we have. This is a good opportunity for us all to engage with them in a positive way and resolve any potential conflicts of interests amicably.
28/6/19 - Another sad incident... Hen Harrier illegally trapped in Perthshire
Raven cull suspended in Glenalmond - BBC report
Minutes of Group meetings:
Minutes of meeting 16/12/18
Minutes of meeting 6/1/19
Minutes of meeting 20/02/19
Minutes of meeting 24/05/19
Minutes of meeting 19/07/19
Minutes of meeting 19/10/19
Minutes of meeting 10/01/20
Pickston Railway Open days
11.30 - 4pm on: Sunday 4th August, Sunday 25th August.
Have a day out with a difference! More details at Pickston Railway website.
The Almond Glen Oil Club
Anthony is running this club in order to get us all cheaper domestic oil deals. By coming together, he can negotiate a very competitive price. For more information please Click Here - Almond Glen Oil Club.
Clothing Collection Bank
Did you know that there is a clothing collection bank in Logiealmond Primary's carpark? Monies raised from the donations goes to the school for outings and more. if you are clearing out your wardrobe please think of putting it in the school collection point.
The Chapelhill Hall
Locals can hire the hall for £15 per hour. There used to be regular badminton and table tennis events and still an active bowls club.
The Rubbish Club
A new club has formed to tackle rubbish and litter problems in the glen. Please consider joining as you will not only be doing a very important service to the glen, but the chat will be fun as well! Please contact Claire on Eight Eight Zero 381 for details.
Recycling at Burmieston
Burmieston have just become an official Terracycle dental care packaging recycling collection point. They can take any brand of toothpaste tubes and caps, toothbrush outer packaging, toothpaste cartons, electric and battery toothbrush heads and any brand of toothbrush. For all items collected Terracycle will donate money to Logiealmond Primary School.
Save our Squirrels
We have enjoyed a growing population of red squirrels over the last few years. Please report sightings and join this organisation.... Scottish Squirrels
Here is the recent feedback from polls conducted on this site:
Previous polls:
Should there be a community group in this area to provide a focal point for sign-posting ideas, events and opportunities, together with a means of consulting the wider community to comment on, vote and apply for government initiatives? - 90% Yes.
Would you like a full environment impact assessment.
Yes 79%
No 8%
Don't know 13%
Do you agree that the community have been given enough information by Tilhill on the likely impact of the plans including level of increased traffic, access roads, disruption to wildlife including ground nesting birds etc.
Yes 11%
No 89%
Do you want the Almond Glen Development Trust to act on behalf of the community to give a voice to the concerns raised by the community?
Yes 69%
No 31%
The Almond Glen Community Group
Glenalmond is our home. We all want to preserve the nature of this special place as well as creating opportunities for the future. We hope that by having an active Community which is well informed about local issues we can have a real influence in the future of our glen.
A few of us began discussing the formation of a group in early December 2018. We felt it would be helpful to address two areas, namely communication between the community as a whole and also a means to take advantage of the grants and initiatives on offer from the Scottish Government. We are very aware that we are only part of and accountable to the existing community.
We see our role as acting as a focal point for the community, raising awareness and sign posting ideas, events or opportunities, together with a means of us being able to consult with the wider community in order to comment, vote and communicate representing as many views as possible. In order to comply with the Scottish Government guidelines and be accountable to any member of the Community, we are forming a Non-profit company - THE ALMOND GLEN DEVELOPMENT TRUST. Minutes of all meetings are available and the company will have annual accounts made public. The company is an essential and required component in giving our Community the means to apply formally for Government initiatives. In other words, it gives us accountability and credibility. Member Directors of the Almond Glen Community Trust are listed Here. It is worth stressing, that Board Members have no additional influence or privilege beyond any other members of the community. We appreciate the first few Board Members have been elected by a small steering committee to get the ball rolling. They will be subject to being voted in or out as the group becomes established. The purpose of the Company is to conform with the application process for any Community Rights that we, as a community, may wish to apply for.
Important - All residents of our Community will be invited to vote, whether they are members of the group or not, before Government initiatives such as Land Reform are completed. The initial stages of registration or application do not require community wide votes, however, nothing will be completed without a vote showing significant support from the community as a whole.
It is early days.
So far we have set up this website and held an event at the Chapelhill Hall. The purpose of the event was to bring the glen together. Talented craftsmen exhibited along with residents hobbies and interests. The turn out exceeded expectations which I hope is an indication that there is an interest in revitalising the community. The Almond Group had a table and we were delighted that a huge range of people signed up. These included Estate Managers, Gamekeepers, Teachers, Botanists, Artists, Farmers and many more from diverse backgrounds. This diversity helps us present a wide range of views and makes us all better informed.
We believe the best way forward for the glen is to talk through any issues. However, if we have a faceless company or landowner who will not listen to our concerns, we now can take advantage of recent government initiatives such as The Community Right to Buy Act 2003/15. This enables us to register an interest in future land and buildings that may come onto the market. This is a very powerful piece of legislation that we can use to help us develop the glen in a sympathetic and democratic way. Please find below links for more information.
We hope that residents and those who work in the glen will find that they no longer need to act alone when addressing difficult issues that effect us all. Contact us via our Facebook page if you wish to raise awareness over a local initiative or a problem.
The Community is not only about problem solving. We want to help develop and facilitate means for us all to become connected and able to unite in helping others.
Here are some of the issues the group would like to raise with the community:
Recent feedback.......
Previous polls:
Should there be a community group in this area to provide a focal point for sign-posting ideas, events and opportunities, together with a means of consulting the wider community to comment on, vote and apply for government initiatives? - 90% Yes.
Who are we?
We are... anybody who wants to get involved. We are farmers, teachers, artists, craftsmen, office workers, charity workers and landowners from all sides of the glen. We are simply local people who want to be part of a diverse and active community.
Why do we need a new group?
There have always been communities in the glen but over the years they have become fractured. We hope to bring people together so we can share knowledge, share skills and let everyone have their say.
How does it work?
We see the group as a notice board. If you have a concern, or a project you would like to see happen in the glen or perhaps an event you want to publicise, then tell the group. It’s all about meeting, talking and sharing information.
What’s this about Land Reform and Buy Outs?
This is not our priority, but something every Community should be aware of and we are no exception. We prefer talking and sorting out issues between ourselves. It’s always the best way. However, if a faceless corporation ignores our concerns, we no longer have to lie down and just accept it. By being prepared, the community now has more choices and influence over our future.
What is this new Company all about?
The company gives us credibility and accountability. Everything we do has to be transparent and democratic. Everyone has one vote and being non profit, any money generated is put back into the community. The company is a requirement by the Scottish Government should the Community want to apply for funding or other initiatives in the future.
So what happens now?
Nothing without the support of the Community. Join us and we can share concerns, ideas and projects. We can quickly relay information and you can have your say to a much wider audience. We can help and support one another in many different ways. What happens now is up to you......
The Community has the opportunity to form a Non profit Limited Company which will be recognised by the Scottish Parliament and enable us to register an interest in future land and buildings which come onto the market. This is a very exciting initiative and gives our community both a loud voice and a means to preserve and develop the glen in a democratic way. If you would like to be involved and attend meetings, please contact us via our Facebook page.
Here are some links about the Right to Buy initiative ...
1) Community right to buy guidance. This guide is very detailed and helpful. Community Right to Buy step by step guide
2) Community right to buy: Further information for community bodies, landowners and other interested parties - Community Right to Buy process
3) Scottish Land Fund - Ten steps to community ownership
4) Buy out guide- Community right to buy info
5) Memorandum of Association for The Almond Glen Community Trust
Councillors for South side of the river
Councillors for North side of the river
If you want to report any road problems such as potholes, it is very easy to do. Please Click Here for the Perth & Kinross page
For recent planning applications in Glenalmond, please Click Here and enter your postcode
Wildflower projects and advice:
Wildflower meadow project
Small Garden Meadow
Wildflower turf
Make your own seed or bee bombs
Wildflowers in pots
Glenalmond College
Logiealmond school
Contact us via our Facebook page
The Almond Glen Community Group is the communications arm of the Almond Glen Development Trust.
Wildlife in our Glen
Just a small collection of the diverse amount of wildlife we have in the glen. Photography by Rosanna Forbes
Barn Owl
Willow Warbler
Sea Eagle
Red Squirrel
Oyster Catcher Chicks
Longtail Tit
Dipper Chicks
Coal Tit
Yellow Hammer
Bank Vole
Tawny Owl
Tree Creeper